Identifying the Mental Patterns of Experts from the Challenges Facing Iranian Sports leisure in the COVID-19 Crisis

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1836-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: Code 1836-12THCONG.jpg 
1faculty of sport sciences , Ferdowsi university of Mashhad
2Ph.D. Student in Sport Management, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
The origins of leisure and sports have been at the heart of human societies for more than two thousand years. How people spend their leisure time is always subject to economic crises, rapid technological and industrial developments, socio-political consequences of societies.With the advent of COVID-19 disease in the world, many families and managers are facing the challenge of how to manage sports leisure time. The purpose of the present study was to identify the mental patterns of experts from the challenges facing sports leisure management during COVID-19 disease. The research method is the interpretive paradigm and is methodologically Q. Q methodology in this research in five stages: 1- Creating a discourse space and selecting a Q sample; 2- Selecting Q-valuation participants; 3- Completing the evaluation of Q charts; 4- Performing correlation and factor analysis; 5- Interpretation of mental factors and patterns has been implemented. The research community includes experts and professors with full knowledge of the sport's leisure time, and the policy experts on sports in this crisis were from Iran and Australia. They were selected by the snowball method. Discourse space data, with 48 interviewees and research backgrounds, reached theoretical saturation. A total of 41 Q phrases were identified And seven mental patterns were extracted by factor analysis of Q. According to the findings, the ranking of sports leisure time challenges is as follows: There were economic, infrastructure, organizational, lifestyle, quarantine, sports tourism, and sports enthusiasts. As a result, to overcome these challenges, alternative programs in accordance with health protocols, and new solutions presented in this study should be considered.