Collaboration of Dr. Do Young Pyun- Professor of Loughborough University - with ICSSRI 2020 Virtual Experience as Keynote Speaker
Dr. Do Young PYUN is Senior Lecturer of Loughborough University, UK. He has Ph.D. in Sport Management (focused on sport marketing) in department of sport management, Florida State University, USA. He is editorial board member of Korean Journal of Sport Management, Asian Journal of Asian Youth Sport, Asian Journal of Physical Education and Sport Science, Journal of Leisure and Wellness, and Emerging Trends and Innovation in Sports Marketing and Management in Asia, published by IGI Global. He is executive committee member for international associations of Korean Association for Sport Management, Asian Association for Sport Management and Association for Leisure and Wellness. His professional affiliations are North American Society for Sport Management, Association for Asian Sport Management, Singapore PE Association, Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand and Korean Society for Sport Management.
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