Collaboration of Professor Ralf Brand- Editor in Chief of the German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research- with ICSSRI 2020 Virtual Experience as Keynote Speaker
Professor Ralf Brand is head of Sport and Exercise Psychology at the University of Potsdam and affiliate professor at the department of kinesiology at Iowa State University (Ames, USA)
as well as editor-in-chief of the German Journal of Exercise and Sport Research (IF=1.02).
The majority of his research focuses on the link between motivation and health with an emphasis on the role of automatic evaluative processes and affect in exercise behavior change and maintenance. He co-lead the ‘Landesteam Sportpsychologie Brandenburg’ and the ‘Zentrum für Praktische Sportpsychologie (ZPS)’, which is responsible for providing sport psychological services to more than 1,200 adolescent and adult elite athletes in Germany’s federal state of Brandenburg (and among them many national team athletes).
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