Collaboration of Dr. Vassil Girginov - President of the European Association for Sport Management - with ICSSRI 2020 Virtual Experience as Keynote Speaker
Dr Vassil Girginov, President of the European Association for Sport Management is Reader in Sport Management and Development at Brunel University London and Visiting Professor at the Russian International Olympic University. He is the editor of the two volume collection on the London 2012 Games published by Routledge, and is also an Executive Editor of the 2012 Routledge Special Olympic Journals Issue that involves some 40 journals from a range of academic disciplines. His research interests, publications and industry experience are in the field of Olympic movement, sport development, comparative management and policy analysis. His most recent books include Sport Management Cultures (Routledge, 2011), The Olympics: A Critical Reader (Routledge, 2010), and Management of Sports Development, (Elsevier, 2008).
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