The effect of self-regulated modeling on learning through observation of an expert model

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1896-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: 1896-12THCONG.jpg 
Motor Behavior Department, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran
Background: Model observation generally is one of the effective techniques for teaching many motor skills. However, observational learning research has shown that the combination of observation and physical practice leads to better learning. In such research, scheduling the time and frequency of model presentation for the observer is often provided by the examiner. Recent research, however, has suggested that if the learner has some control over his/her training program (self-regulation), learning will occur more efficiently. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of self-regulation in observing an expert model on observational learning of dart throwing skill.
Methods: For this purpose, 45 female students of Bu-Ali Sina University were randomly divided into three groups: self-regulated, paired and control. Participants took part in four phases including pretest, acquisition and 10-minute and 24-hour retention/transfer tests. In pre-test, all participants performed dart throwing for 6 times without receiving augmented feedback. In acquisition phase, each participant in the self-regulated group could request to observe the expert model among the physical practice trials (60 times) whenever they wanted and in the desired number. For participants in the paired group, the model was presented by the researcher in the same number and same trials as their peers in the self-regulated group requested, with having no right to choose. The control group had no practice in this phase. Ten minutes and one day after the acquisition phase, all groups performed retention and transfer tests.
Results: Data analysis showed that there was no significant difference between groups in pretest. However, in retention and transfer tests, both training groups performed better than the control group. In addition, the self-regulated group significantly outperformed the paired group.
Discussion: These results indicate that although both training methods have led to learning dart throwing skill, but the self-regulation factor in observing the model has played a more prominent role.