nvestigating information technology in sports creativity among sports organizations

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1872-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: 1872-12THCONG.jpg 
1Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran
Given the diversity and novelty of information and communication technology skills in today's world and the use of millions of graphic, educational and research software and the need to use this skill in organizations; It seems that the growing need of the people for education, the need to maintain the connection between education and work, the lack of specialized trainers, the large budget that is spent on education; It necessitates the existence of new cost-effective and quality systems that, in addition to the economic aspects, cover a wide range and at the same time educate a large number of learners. In addition to meeting these needs, information technology allows learners to learn at appropriate times.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate information technology in sports creativity among sports organizations.
The purpose of this study is to analyze and evaluate the theoretical foundations and studies, which can generally be described as descriptive and review studies.
The results of the study indicate that information technology is associated with individual creativity of employees. Managers of the Ministry of Sports and Youth should actively develop behaviors that lead to organizational learning. In addition, a better level of knowledge transfer and integration can stimulate creative and innovative thinking that may ultimately lead to better individual creativity, which requires managers to provide open space and experimentation.
The training plans should be as innovative as possible and have the aspect of continuous improvement in education, and these plans should be prepared with the participation of individual, team and organizational levels of the Ministry of Sports and Youth and should reflect the goals and programs of different departments of the ministry.