Analyzing effective factors on marketing development of student sport

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1870-12THCONG
1Faculty of Physical Education, Danesh Alborz University of Qazvin, Iran
2استادیارمدیریت وبرنامه ریزی ورزشی پژوهشگاه تربیت بدنی وعلوم ورزشی وزارت علوم ،تحقیقات وفن آوری
The creation and development of a marketing unit is one of the new developments
in the development of any organization, regardless of the nature of the
organization's business. Many sports organizations have also succeeded in
implementing their marketing goals by successfully implementing their marketing
goals. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to analyze the factors affecting the
development of marketing in the student's sport. The systematic qualitative research
method was conducted using semi-structured interviews. The research community
comprised all the officials, directors, assistants and teachers of the Tehran sport.
The sampling method was purposeful, which in total, the researcher achieved
theoretical saturation with 13 interviews. To verify the validity of the data, the
codes were provided to one encoder and also to five interviewees who confirmed
the findings. Findings of the research indicated that marketing development in
students' sports shows that we first need to raise the initial knowledge and
knowledge to reach the development of sports schools and to assess the status quo
and challenges in order to be able to The second step reduces the constraints and
increases the motivators by identifying and analyzing the weaknesses, strengths,
and opportunities and challenges. Also, by presenting and employing solutions such
as economic, social, human and managerial factors, the implementation of school
sports helped in the whole country schools to witness a healthy and happy
environment with students' health. The development and promotion of marketing in
student sport is one of the most important consequences of the marketing process in
sport. Marketing development in this section can be very effective for the study of
sports and changing the views of this sector as marketing activities have attracted
more attention to the education of the students and their interest in knowledge the
student will follow. When sports, especially at such a level, are faced with
marketing development, capital will also enter this part of the sport, and so can
boost student sport.