Investigating the role of advertising via SMS and the Internet in attracting customers in private sport places in Mazandaran province

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1854-12THCONG (R1)
Oral / Poster Presentation File: Dr Armandnia1 2020.pptx 
1دانشگاه هنر،عضو هیات علمی،استادیار
2خیابان سرهنگ سخایی ،دانشگاه هنر
3آمل ،دانشگاه شمال
4استادیار دانشگاه پیام نور مازندران
Today, advertising is one of the most important tools for communicating with the audience and organizations that seek more impact on the customer through advertising at the lowest cost. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the role of advertising via SMS and the Internet in attracting customers to private sports venues in Mazandaran province.
Descriptive-survey research method that has been done in the field. The statistical population includes all those who refer to special sport places in Mazandaran province, of which 384 people have been selected as a statistical sample in a random cluster. Two researcher-made questionnaires with 22 questions and ten components based on the Likert scale were used.In order to evaluate the validity of the form and content validity method and to determine the reliability of the questionnaire in a pilot study, the Cronbach's alpha method (0.88) was obtained. Also, descriptive and inferential statistical methods (Smirnov cologram and binomial test) were used to analyze the data.
Descriptive results showed that 71% of respondents consider the desire to receive advertising messages through cyber space, 73% of the messages sent on Instagram and Telegram are effective in attracting customers of sport places.Inferential results also showed that five components include the presence of comprehensive product information in the promotional SMS, the presence of valid contact information, familiarity of the sender of the promotional SMS, the appearance and text of the promotional SMS, service prices and quantitative motivating factors in promotional SMS and Components of product-related factors, communication factors (Advertising environment infrastructure), human factors (Internet user) and then content factors in Internet advertising affect customer attraction.
According to the research findings, it is suggested that managers of private sport places in Mazandaran province use more online advertising to attract more customers and by observing the principles and effective factors in designing online advertising messages, the attractiveness of advertising to attract more customers Create.