Doping-based image testing tools the way to find out the implicit attitude to doping

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1847-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: Doping Poster.jpg 
1Assistant Professor of Sports Science research institute
2Department of Sport sciences, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin, Iran
3Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Kushiar University of Guilan, Iran
Nowadays, the use of neuro- enhancing substances are utilized by individuals for various different reasons including, but not limited to gaining muscle and strength, improving physical function, faster recovery, injury prevention and weight/fitness management which has been observed to be increasing amongst athletes Therefore the discovery of factors that can predict athletes' attitudes toward Using/administering doping substances may be one of the most Critical points to concentrate within sports psychology research initiatives. The goal of the present study was to establish the attitudes of athlete directly and indirectly to use neuro-enhancements substances and sports supplements present study was conducted to investigate the implicit and explicit attitudes of Iranian student-athletes towards doping drugs and supplements.
Materials and methods
200 students of Tehran universities were selected as available samples who were willing to cooperate in the research and 162 responses were used to analyze the data. The criteria for entry was at least one year of sports experience and participation in national league competitions. Individuals who did not complete the questionnaire completely were excluded from the statistical sample.
Statistical analysis
In order to analyze the data, descriptive statistical methods (frequency, central indices and dispersion) . T-statistics were performed (with an alpha level of .05) to cached for group differences and variables.
Athletic students participating in the Materials Scale developed a report on the sporting performance of doping substances with a negative attitude of -11.99 ±52. They reported a positive attitude towards the use of sports supplements on the scale of using sports supplements with 1.56 ± 29.
Also, Athletic students participating in research on the scale of materials developing sports performance implicitly (invisibly) with -1.69 ± 31 reported a negative attitude towards the use of doping. They also reported a positive attitude towards the use of a sports supplement.
It seems that with training programs based on doping control and prevention with the method of indirect evaluation of athletes' attitudes the prevention of doping negative consequences could be more effective.