The relationship between physical activity and Parents BMI with obesity in preschool children in Yazd.

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1845-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: Code1845-12THCONG.jpg 
1PhD student of Hakim Sabzevari University and Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Department of Sports Sciences, Zabol University
2PhD student of Hakim Sabzevari University
Background & Aims: Although malnutrition in the form of reduced nutrient intake is a major health problem, obesity also threatens the health of these children. In recent years, the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity is a major health problem that can lead to medical problems in childhood, adolescence and adulthood. So, identifying possible factors affecting childhood obesity is the best way to prevent its occurrence. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the relationship between activity level and Parents BMI with obesity and overweight in preschool children in Yazd in 2018.
Methodology: In a descriptive-analytical case-control study, 150 preschool children in Yazd were selected by simple cluster and random sampling and their BMI and their parents were calculated. The level of parents' physical activity was assessed using Beck's standard physical activity questionnaire. Then, parents and children were classified into obese, overweight and non-obese groups according to BMI and level of physical activity. Descriptive statistics and correlation data were analyzed using SPSS software.
Results: The results showed that significant positive correlation between the BMI of parents with obese children (0.8 r =) and the parents of obese children and overweight has a BMI higher than non-obese parents. But parents were obese have lower physical activity and an inverse relationship between physical activity and obesity and overweight but not significant statistically.
Conclusion: Since parental obesity and sedentary lifestyle are associated with childhood obesity, it can be one of the main causes of risk for children, so it is necessary to increase parental awareness of the dangers of obesity and the benefits of exercise to prevent childhood obesity.