Analysis of factors affecting on controversy management occurring in sport (study on: Team Handball)

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1813-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: 1813-12THCONG.jpg 
1Student , science and research branch of Islamic Azad university
2Professor - Islamic Azad university - science and research branch
3Assistant professor - Islamic Azad university - science and research branch
4Professor - Payam e noor university
5Associative professor - Azad university - south branch
In some countries and in competitive sports, some players are going to reach the goals in any way because they think that their rights were lost. So they do some non-sports behaviors like malice, intimidation & the behaviors unlike rules. One of this behaviors is brawl. Therefore the aim of this study was to recognize the important factors affecting on brawl management in team handball players, coaches and referees.
The method of research was Qualitative, applied and to collecting information we used deep library studies and semi-structured interviews. The population of this study were all professional handball players of Iran. A group of elites consist of 5 lecturer and professors of university in sport management, psychology, sociology helped to gathering information and proving collected data. The Semi-structured interviews started with experts of sport management & Behaviors, psychology, sociology who had the experience of working on handball as player, manager, psychologist, coach and referees. It continues with 15 experts till Supersaturating. After collecting information in order to analyze data and prioritization factors identified we used Maxquda 2020 software, to coding and find the main categories. Data was coding in three steps: open, axial and selective. The elite group helped us in every levels of research. At first level of coding we found 499 open codes. The second step was to classify these codes and get 72 axial codes; and at the end we choice 9 different categories that contain 72 axial codes. Reliability of qualitative data approved by experts and re-test.
The results showed that 9 categories: Management factors (30.66% of frequencies) , individual characteristics (25.20% of frequencies), education and improving EQ (9.2% of frequencies), economic factors & welfare (12.78% of frequencies), social factors (10.8% of frequencies), political factors (2% of frequencies), zoning (4.6% of frequencies), international Media (2% of frequencies), and Handball Factors (2.4% of frequencies), played important role in controversy management.