the relationship between socio-economic status and participation rate in health and public stations of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province

Poster Presentation XML
Paper ID : 1784-12THCONG (R1)
Oral / Poster Presentation File: sample_template_fa_1.pptx 
Allameh Tabatabai University-Tehran-Iran
The purpose of this study was to determine and investigate the relationship between social and economic status and the presence of participants in health and public stations in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad provinces. The present study is an applied research in terms of purpose and survey and correlation in terms of implementation method and its information will be collected in the field and through a questionnaire. The statistical population of the present study includes all men and women participating in Kahlivieh and Boyer-Ahmad health stations. Also, according to the purpose of the study, 384 people were selected as the statistical sample of the study using Cochran sampling method. To collect information about the motivations of the participants in the health stations, a 30-item motivation questionnaire of Gil et al. (Gil, 2004) was used. Also, in relation to social and economic status, a researcher-made five-value question was used, the face and content validity of which was confirmed by 11 professors and experts in the field of sports management. To calculate the reliability of both questionnaires, Cronbach's alpha method was used. The reliability coefficient of the present questionnaires was calculated to be 0.81 (α = 81). Findings indicate that the economic situation can affect the presence of people to some extent, but it is not one of the most influential factors and the desire for health is not much affected by the economic situation. In addition, the favorable economic situation can affect the improvement of social relations of people in such places. This may be due to the fact that people with good economic status have higher risk power and, consequently, have better social status. In general, presence and participation in activities and collective organizations, and in particular with the focus on health activities, can affect people's lives from different dimensions, and most of these effects have a positive aspect and its manifestation in the lives of useful people and their quality of life. They lead to the desired limit.