The Impacts of Sport on Children Mental Health with Focus on Nearu Martial Art

Oral Presentation
Paper ID : 1770-12THCONG
1Founder of Nearu Martial Art, Tehran, Iran
2, Department of Civil Engineering, Technical and Vocational University , Tehran, Iran
Due to Systematic Approach and Process-based combination of exercises, physical Fitness, self-defense and correct breathing techniques of Nearu Martial Art, improvements in physical and mental health, reduction in stress and anxiety is tracked in the Martial Art participants specially in children. These effects are rolled back by abandoning the sport in the experiment statistical duration of between 2010 to 2018.
One of the most important aspect of any martial art on children is improvements of their attention and concentration. In Nearu Martial Art, this aspect is so important that 25% to 35% of the class duration is assigned to improve the concentration through the breathing techniques. Learning these techniques will help the practitioner to be aware of the surroundings and improve the child’s learning capabilities. There are many cases that by practicing Nearu Martial Art, the child improved in the school exams although.
These five effects are widely discussed in this article and the results on the children psychological health are shown.
One the most important issues in the modern society is the anger reactions. These behaviors have deep impact on the children’s life. Economic problems, Luxury-oriented lifestyle, machine-based modern life, increased number of divorces, all have direct effect on the anger issues. On the other hand, new computer games with the war theme put so much tension and stress on any child.
Practicing sports has huge impact on the physical and mental health of children. In this article the effects of practicing Nearu Martial Art on physical and emotional fitness of children are studied.
Due to Systematic Approach and Process-based combination of exercises, physical Fitness, self-defense and correct breathing techniques of Nearu Martial Art, improvements in physical and mental health, reduction in stress and anxiety is tracked in the Martial Art participants specially in children. These effects are rolled back by abandoning the sport in the experiment statistical duration. This article verified the reputability of the claims by investigating the Nearu Martial Clubs in different cities.
Nearu Martial Art is a modern sport with roots in traditional breathing techniques.