The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and Ginkgo Biloba supplementation on brainwave patterns, reaction time, speed, and fatigue in female kickboxers

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1761-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: Poster2.jpg 
1sport physiology assistant
2Assistant professor of exercise physiology, sport sciences research institute
3Atiyeh neuroscience clinic
10adult kickboxer women were selected voluntarily. Before intervention, all subjects were evaluated thoroughly. Also, reaction speed was measured using Nelson Ruler test and boxing speed test in boxing bag. Rope and ladder agility test was used to measure speed and mountaineering and snowboarding were used to assess fatigue. Athletes' brain state was prepared in pre-test phase, using electroencephalographic(EEG)device to record brain electrical activity pattern at rest and ERP test to record brain response to stimuli. Subjects were divided into two equal groups of 5, then treated with Ginkgo supplementation and tDCS. Subjects in the first group received Ginkgo supplement (200mg daily) for 1month and then in phase2 EEG and ERP tests were again taken. In phase3, the cleansing period was applied for two weeks. Then, the tDCS intervention was performed for 5 sessions and at the end of the sessions, the subjects received a third time EEG and ERP test. Subjects in the second group also received similar interventions but in reverse, in order to evaluate the effect of induction, tDCS stimulation was inactivated. Also, in each phase, variables of reaction time, hand speed, fatigue and attention and concentration were evaluated. The results of the brainwave pattern evaluation showed that when considering all 10individuals in a group, the mean CFT electrode of FFT Delta Absolute Power was not significantly altered by tDCS compared to pretest. In the single intervention intervention group, ginkgo intake among the indices had only a significant effect on the results of left foot kicking test and tDCS induction on the results of the three tests of climbing time, time Significance had a significant effect on frequency and number. In the dual intervention group, ginkgo use only had a significant effect on the results of the three Nelson tests, the number of right foot kicks in the boxing bag and rope and tDCS only had a significant effect on the time test results. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that ginkgo biloba supplementation can improve the pattern of brain waves and reaction time, attention and concentration, speed and fatigue of kickboxer women.