The Impact of Brand Equity Dimensions on Brand Equity in Sportswear Industry

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1728-12THCONG
1Physical Education / Faculty of Physical Education / University of Tehran / Tehran / Iran
2Professor of Tehran University
3Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Physical Education, University of Tehran, Tehran,
One of the most important intangible assets of brand-name enterprises is the distinction between products of the company and competitors in the minds of customers. Brand is a special brand that has many dimensions. To this end, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of brand equity dimensions on brand equity in the clothing industry.
This research is based on the descriptive-survey method for collecting data and for the purpose of applying it, which examines the effect between brand equity and brand value of the whole brand. The statistical population includes customers who directly purchase from the stores and authorized clothing retailers of Merooj, Technik, Adidas and Nike brands, of which 384 were selected as samples. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was used by SPSS and AMOS software.
The results of exploratory analysis showed that items were ranked in six factors of total value, brand awareness, brand awareness, perceived quality, brand preferences and brand loyalty. The hypothesis test showed that the dimensions of brand equity affect each other. Brand awareness on brand association, brand awareness on perceived quality, branded quality affects brand preferences and brand preferences affect brand loyalty. The brand loyalty effect has been confirmed on the overall brand equity. In other aspects of brand equity there was no significant effect on the overall value of the brand.
Among the five dimensions of the brand, only brand loyalty affects the brand equity of the whole positively. The direct effect of brand awareness, brand association, brand perceived quality, and brand preferences have been ruled out on brand equity. Dimensions of brand equity are indirectly affected by brand loyalty to a particular value.
