basic psychological needs and Behavioral regulation in sport among female adolescent students.

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1727-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: sample_template_en_1.pptx 
Tabriz University
The aim of study is to investigate relationship between basic psychological needs(competence, autonomy, relatedness) and Behavioral regulation in sport(lack of motivation, extrinsic motivation, introjected regulation, identified regulation and intrinsic motivation) among female adolescent students. Briefly in this study we wanted to show if basic psychological needs have the capacity to predict factors of behavioral regulation in sport for female adolescent students.
This correlational is conducted experimentally on 230 female students obtained from 13-18 years old young females living in East Azarbaijan province. For gathering data Questionnaires of basic psychological needs in sports and behavioral regulation in sport were used. Data analyzed by multiple linear regression and SPSS treatment with value (0.05).
Results indicated that there is no significant relation between basic psychological needs and lack of motivation but there was a significant set between introjected regulation (p=0.050), intrinsic motivation (p=0.0001), lack of motivation (p=0.0001) and identified regulation(p=0.0001) and basic psychological needs. Among basic psychological needs, competence predicted all of factors of Behavioral regulation in sport but autonomy could only predict intrinsic motivation (p= 0/041).
Physical education teachers can influence student`s motivation if they provide supportive environment at schools. On the other hand The reason why the factor of autonomy didn't effect on factors of behavioral regulation in this study may be that we did this research at school. So it seems school teachers can create supportive environment by satisfaction the need for competence in the students. The implication of this study would be applicated for teachers.