Impact of Early Rehabilitation Program on Painless Power, Motor Function and Quality of Life after Wrist Ganglion Cyst Surgery

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Paper ID : 1690-12THCONG
1physical Education /Department of Education Isfahan / iran
2Faculty of Rehabilitation, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Iran
3Sport Pathology and Corrective Exercises, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Isfahan, Iran
Soft tissue ganglia were first described by Hippocrates. Its underlying cause is still unknown. Certain treatments but also act as pain relief. Surgical complications include stiffness in the hands or parts of it and scar formation. The purpose of this report is to evaluate the outcomes of early rehabilitation program after wrist ganglion cyst surgery.
In this study, non-random sampling was performed by randomly collecting samples with female gender and without age restriction. they got. Quality of life, painless strength, and motor function were measured by VAS, Goniometer, Quick Dech questionnaire, Nile Hall dyamometer, respectively.
In the first group, the variables of motor function, pain without power, ultimate pain, and in the second group, variables of pain, range of motion and quality of life with a mean of less than 5 hundred were statistically significant.
Patients as post-operative supplements can be used as pain relievers and as an enhancement of the range of motion of the splint and as a post-operative complications reduction massage therapist.