Oral Presentation
Paper ID : 1678-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: 1678.rar 
1Department of Sport Science, Imam Reza International University of Mashhad Iran
2Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Sport confidence is often considered by athletes and coaches, while it is not easy to define it. Based on definition presented by sport psychologists, sport confidence is belief in successful performing of desired behavior of an action, which might be shooting the football ball into the goal. Most of the past studies have indicated the relationship between sport confidence and sport performance]. Although Vealey (1986) viewed confidence a kind of state or tendency in his early view, he presented a new view in 2001, in which he stated that sport confidence is a social and cognitive variable, used based on time interval and reference. The objective of this research was to determine the sources predicting the sport confidence of volley ball athletes.
The current research was descriptive-correlational type of study. In this research, 206 athletes with at least three-year experience of physical activity participated in this research. The mean age of them was 18 to 23 years. Accordingly, Vealey Sources of Confidence Questionnaire (1998) and Vealey and Knight Sport Confidence Questionnaire (2002) were randomly provided for 269 young volley ball players.
The model analysis results showed that each of the nine sources of sport confidence, including social support, physical and mental preparation, coach leadership behavior, physical self-presentation, demonstration of ability, mastery, environmental comfort, vicarious experiences, and situational favorableness predicted three types of sport confidence, so that the source of social support and physical and mental preparation were the strongest predictors of physical skills and training component (P <0.001; standardized estimate=0.901), followed by resilience confidence (P = 0.001; standardized estimate=0.898), cognitive efficacy standardized estimate=0.891).
In general, the most important source predicting types of confidence of volley ball athletes is social support, so that important people such as family, friends, relatives, and coaches can be the most important element in enhancing the confidence of athletes. In addition to social support, athletes can use physical and mental preparation, coach leadership behavior, and physical self-presentation, demonstration of ability, mastery, environmental comfort, vicarious experiences, and situational favorable to develop and maintain their sport confidence.