A Study and Comparison of Emotional Intelligence in Individual and Team Sports’ Athletes Attending the 8th National Students Olympiad

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1676-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: پوستر پژوهشگاه روانشناسی.jpg 
1Department of Sport Science, Imam Reza International University of Mashhad Iran
2Sports Science Dept. Imam Reza International University
Today, researches done indicate that high education and logic intelligence don’t solely guarantee one’s success but emotional intelligence is also important. One known as Intelligence Questionnaire (IQ) relies on thought and wisdom and the other one known as Emotional Questionnaire (EQ) relies on emotions and affections.
purpose of this study is to compare EQ among athlete boy students in individual and team fields of sport. In order to measure the EQ of studied subjects, the questionnaires were approved by professors and the stability was achieved by using statistical methods, then those questionnaires were given to the students. In this study, the questionnaire created by Cibria Shiring in 2001 was used in order to measure EQ. This questionnaire contained 33 questions about emotional questionnaire and measured its components.
The method of research is descriptive-measurement and comparatively. For statistical analysis of data, Man Whitney method is used.
1-There is a significant difference in the rate of EQ between athlete boy students in individual and team fields of the sport (P<0.05), P=0.000
2-There is a significant difference in the rate of self-consciousness between athlete boy students in individual and team fields of the sport (P<0.5), P=0.004
3-There is a significant difference in the rate of self- management between athlete boy students in individual fields and team fields of the sport (P<0.5), P=0.000
4-There is a significant difference in the rate of social awareness between athlete boy students in individual fields and team fields of the sport (P<0.5), P=0.000
5-There is a significant difference in the rate of self-motivation between athlete boy students in individual and team fields of the sport (P<0.5), P=0.032
This research shows that the components of EQ (self- consciousness, self- management, social awareness (intelligence) and self- motivation) for athletes in individual fields are in higher level than athletes in team fields of sport but for social skills there is no difference between athletes in individual fields and team fields of the sport. With respect to the obtained results it may said that individual sports have more positive effects on mental and intellectual functions than team sports.