A Scrutiny of Coastal Sports Events on Technology Development

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1671-12THCONG (R1)
1Faculty of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Amol, Iran, North Nonprofit Higher Education Institute, MSc student
2Professor, Department of Sport Management, Mazandaran University, babaolsar
3Associate Professor, Department of Sport Management, Mazandaran University, Babolsar
4Assistant Professor, University Of Art, Iran, Tehran
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of coastal sport events on a theoretical-practical technology using a qualitative method. The data were collected by field method which included a background study consisting of 89 research and semi-structured conceptual interviews with 23 experts. The statistical population was familiar with theoretical foundations, university professors with research background, executives, sports and tourism experts and environmentalists. The non-random sampling method was purposeful and available and has been carried out until theoretical saturation. After interviewing and coding the research findings, 14 items were identified and 19 experts were provided to the Delphi group in to two stages of revision and confirmation to reach the theoretical consensus through Delphi questionnaire. In the Delphi group's theoretical consensus, items with a consensus percentage higher than 70% were extracted. Percentage of agreement was calculated using SPSS22 software and the results were ranked. Highest Results by Percentage of Component Components: Empowering Local Residents through Providing Information and Technology Knowledge of Possible Outcomes; Employing New Scientific Techniques in the Field of Information Technology; Making More Use of Surveillance Technologies; And integrated maps, especially coastal areas and updates, global implications through social media, development of ICT infrastructure were identified. Therefore, along with physical activity at costal sport events, it is necessary to focus on the development of information technology in sport activities and the exploitation of new surveillance techniques in coastal areas, and on the development of information technology and the application of technology to the development of coastal sports.