The relation between Postural Orientation and Lower Extremity Function in ACL reconstructed athlete

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1665-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: 1665-12THCONG.jpg 
1department of sport science/ kish international campus/ university of Tehran/ Kish/ Iran
2Department of Sport Sciences, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran, Kish, Iran.
3Department of Sport Sciences, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran, Kish, Iran
Many studies showed that ACL injury will change the movement pattern including Postural orientation (PO), and the lower extremity functional ability (LEF) will deteriorate, as a consequence. But, until now, no any trial founded by which researcher intended to evaluate PO as well as LEF after that injured athletes have returned to sport and completed their rehabilitation program. Hence, the aim of the current study was to evaluate the relationship between PO and LEF in athletes with the history of ACL reconstruction (ACLR).
This descriptive-correlation study had been implemented on 15 male soccer players undergone ACLR surgery and pass at least 6 months of rehab and returned to sport. For this group, all task had been done by using the injured Knee. In order to evaluate the FLE, Functional Lower extremity evaluation test (FLEE), and to evaluate PO, Test substitution pattern (TSP) were used. FLEE test has been built up from 8 task by intending to evaluate the individuals LEF ability. TSP is an observational battery which has been designed to examine the ability of an athlete to maintain proper posture alignment. The outcomes were evaluated by Pearson correlation at the 0.05 significance level (P-value = 0.05), by using SPSS (V.18).
In among both test variables, only Single-leg hop for distance (r= 0.744, p˂ 0.05) was had meaningful relation to TSP. The result showed that there is a meaningful relation between the PO and ability of single-leg hop for distance.
According to the current findings, it can be concluded that completing the rehabilitation and return to sport can improved the general condition of PO and FLE of an injured athlete but when it comes to the using affected lower limb alone, they showed an alteration in PO which have caused by functional weakness. Both alteration in PO and functional weakness known as the primary risk factor for recurrent ACL injuries. So, researchers suggested that in a rehab protocol and onward training, it should wise and beneficial to put more focus on single leg task and exercises.