Assessment of developmental age-related of ponderal somatogram indexes in Juybar’s male teenage wrestlers.

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1662-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: Beinabaji.jpg 
1Sport Biomechanics, Faculty of Physical Education, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran
21Faculty of Sports Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran
Ponderal somatograms evaluate body size and shape by converting muscular (M: shoulders, chest, biceps, forearm, thigh, and calf) and nonmuscular (NM: abdomen, hips, knee, ankle, and wrist) girths into ponderal equivalent (PE) values. The aim of this study was to assess developmental age-related of ponderal somatograms indexes in Juybar’s male teenage wrestlers.
Anthropometric measurements including stature, body mass, and selected girths were collected from 19 male teenage wrestlers consist of 5 Early Adolescence (EA: age, 13.2∓1.1 years; stature, 153.8∓10 cm; weight, 47.9∓7.2 kg), 7 Middle Adolescence (MA: age, 16.6∓0.6 years; stature, 172.0∓4.6 cm; weight, 63.7∓5.8 kg), and 7 Late Adolescence (LA: age, 18.4∓0.5 years; stature, 172.1∓ 3.5 cm; weight, 68.4∓7.7 kg). PE values were calculated for each girth as PE, kilograms = (girth, cm ÷ k)2 × stature, decimeters, where k = k constant from Behnke’s reference man. PE values were compared to body mass to indicate overdevelopment (PE> body mass) and underdevelopment (PE< body mass). One-way ANOVA was used to calculate differences among 3 groups.
PE values in LA and MA groups was significantly greater than EA. Maximum differences of PE values were observed between EA and LA groups where chest (70%), biceps (66%), and shoulders (57%) were significantly greater in LA. PE-M/PE-NM ratio of LA group was significantly greater than EA. In comparison to EA, LA significantly had greater percentage deviation of PE-M from PE-NM (except forearm and calf regions) and lower percentage deviation of PE-NM from PE-M.
Ponderal somatograms as a relatively quick and simple method could demonstrate differences between age-related wrestlers. These results could show strengths and weaknesses of wrestlers’ physical capacities in performing skill movements and provide an appraisal of body composition that helps coaches and athletes monitor the effectiveness of strength and conditioning programs.