Comparison of the effect of eight weeks of selected Trampoline and Physio ball exercises on lumbar lordosis, balance and performing some of the basic skills in 7-11 year old gymnast girls

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1657-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: 1657 -12THCONG.jpg 
1Ph.D, University of Esfahan. Faculty of Physical Education
2Assistant Professor, Isfahan University. Faculty of Physical Education
3MSc Student, Isfahan University. Faculty of Physical Education
The comparison of trampoline and physio ball exercises’ effects on the rate of lumbar lordosis, balance and performing basic skills in young female gymnasts is our aim in this study.
The present study is a semi - experimental and a pre - test, post- test scheme. For this purpose, 30 gymnast girls aged 7 - 11 suffering from lordosis in one of gymnastics club in Shahre-Kord were selected as available target. Then they have been divided into two experimental groups in random. Empirical group one as (gymnastics plus trampoline) and empirical group two as (gymnastics plus physio ball ). They entered into the study after getting the satisfaction form signed. They all were divided as empirical group one by mean and standard deviation of age (9.46±1.59), height (129.46 ± 14.51), and weight (31.20±9.54), and empirical group two by mean and standard deviation of age (9.14±1.02), height (127.50 ± 1.59), and weight (25.96±9.40). The training program included 24 sessions for 8 weeks, 3 sessions per week, and each session lasted for sixty minutes.
In this study, the lordosis angle was measured with flexible ruler. Static and dynamic balance were measured using the scanning meter and basic skills by the referees. For the statistical analysis investigating the data distribution being normal, we made use of Shapiro-Wilk Test .The Levene test was used to validate the consistency of the data variance. To investigate the effect of Time factor and Group factor (2 measuring times multiplied by 2 groups). All statistical functions were carried out by SPSS version 18 at a significant level of 0.05 to α.
The results showed that the two types of trampoline and physio ball exercises significantly improve hyper lordosis, static and dynamic balance and performance of gymnasts’ basic skills (p < 0.05), and there is no difference between the effect of the two training methods(p < 0.05) .
With regard to the results of the present study, it is recommended that the coaches and professionals involved in training programs use practice programs as a practice supplement to improve athletes ' hyper lordosis, performance.