The Modeling Impact of Environmental Indicators on Citizens' Sports Participation (Case Study Residents of Shiraz City)

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1644-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: 1644-12THCONG.jpg 
1shiraz univercity
2Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
3University of Tehran
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of environmental indicators such as parks structure and status of living environment on sports participation and physical activity among citizenship of Shiraz.
The research method was correlation and it type of applied research. The sample consisted of 383 persons over 15 years of age who used parks in the city of Shiraz for sport and physical activity as selected by random sampling. the research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire with two parts addressing the status of living environment and (14 question) and parks structure (17 question) that face and content validity was measured by comments the number of university sport experts and to determine the structure validity, used of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). After determining of reliability, the questionnaire was distributed. Reliability coefficients of questionnaires with using Cronbach's alpha, respectively (0.876) and (0.897) were calculated. Research data by using structural equation modeling with smart PLS software analyzed and the significance level were determined (α=0.05).
The research results showed that parks structure and status of living environment have direct and significant effect on citizens' of physical activity, and also parks structure has a moderating effect on physical activity.
Based on the findings if the possibility of changing the living environment and related indicators such as proximity do not exist, by equipment and enhance the quality of sports facilities and recreational parks, can be largely reduced barriers to the use of the park and tends to encourage people to doing physical activity. So our findings suggest that the provision of high-quality parks may promote more walking and physical activity among persons who not even near the park.