The Effect Of 12 Weeks Aerobic, Resistance And Cobined Trainings On Peripheral Nerve Functions And Vascular Resistance In Type 2 Diabetes With Peripheral Neuropathy In Men

Oral Presentation
Paper ID : 1638-12THCONG
1University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
2Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3University of Tabriz, Tabriz, ran
4Imam Khomeini Hospital of Osku, Osku, Iran
Exercise is considered as the best way to prevention and treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes by its own ability on good control of blood glucose levels and increase of insulin sensitivity and probably by decrease of peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) and increase in neurotrophic factors with less peripheral neuropathy complications and improvement in nerve function. So understanding of how different types of exercise training like aerobic, resistance and combined training can probably effect on different diabetic variables and its complications will be important.
44 men (Age:55.1±8.0, Weight: 86.3±13.6, Fat Percentage: 28.2±5.9%, BMI: 29.2±3.3, Diabetes history: 12.9±6.3 years) voluntary with Diabetic peripheral neuropathy in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus randomized to 4 groups and 12 weeks in the way that aerobic group (n=11, 25-45min at ~70-75% MHR, 3/week), resistance group (n=11, 2-3 set, 8-12RM, 9 exercises), combined group (n=11, 3 aerobic/week & 2 resistances/week by 1 set for each exercise) and control group. Caloric expenditure for initial sessions was 1000 kcal/week.
After screening for having peripheral neuropathy, we did blood samples collecting before and (48 h) after the last session, Electrodiagnosis, Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) and VO2max measurements. Data were analyzed using repeated-measures ANOVA at significance level of P < .05.
HbA1c had significant decrease around %0.60-%0.80 in all three different training groups. However, in case of between groups changes, Insulin Resistance and HbA1C amounts were not significant. Meanwhile we should consider that groups had no significant changes in Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) amounts. Ankle brachial (ABI) index in right and left limbs has improved significantly in comparison with control group and significantly reduced in control group during 12 weeks. Nerve conductions velocity has improved in resistance groups in comparison with control group and we don’t see any significant difference between training groups.
We conclude resistance groups can make significant changes in Nerve function. This improvement is in line with improvement with HbA1c that shows that the training affect nerves function chronically.