Changes in Postural Sway and Physical Performance following Six Weeks Lower Limb Exercises in 9-13 Years old Students with Flexible Flatfoot

Oral Presentation
Paper ID : 1617-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: کد مقاله.mp4 
1Department of Sport Sciences, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran, Kish, Iran.
2Ph. D, University of Tehran Sport Sciences
3Ph.D, University of Tehran
4Ph.D, University of MazandaranSport Sciences
Postural abnormalities cause dysfunction. In this regard, lower extremity deformity such as flat foot play a major role in creating lower extremity disorders. Accordingly, the present study is reviewed changes in postural sway and physical performance following six weeks lower limb exercises in 9-13 years old students with flexible flatfoot.
Subjects in this study included 30 students within the age range of 9-13 years old with flexib flatfoot deformities (determined by navicular drop method) who were randomly selected and divided into two groups of intervention (age: 11.60 ± 1.02 years, height: 148.46±10.29 cm, weight: 47.40±11.69 kg and BMI: 21.42±11.92) and control (age: 11.40±0.95 years, height: 148.46±12.67 cm, weight: 47.46±12.28 kg and BMI: 21.37±4.28). A questionnaire was used to collect demographic data. In addition, parameters related to postural control and static balance evaluated by foot scan and performance were assessed by vertical jump tests and 40 yards running test as performance index. The lower limb exercise program consisted of trunk, hip, foot, and functional exercises such as walking in unstable conditions for 6 weeks. Ancova and Mancova test used to examine intergroup differences.
Exercise program had significant effect on static balance with open and closed eyes (p<0.01), postural control related indices such as the the level of the center of the big toe pressure, first metatarsal bone, second metatarsal, third metatarsal, and midfoot region and inner side of the heel (p<0.01), vertical jump (p<0.01) and 40-yard running test. (P<0.01) training group.
Adolescents with flexible flat feet have limited participation in activity and increased risk of falls and loss of balance. Exercise programs involving different parts of the lower limbs in addition to the foot area can be suggested to coaches and teachers to improve motor performance and increase adolescent girls' activity.