The ease effect of services on perceived value from consumers of cheap sport centers

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1601-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: 1601-12THCONG 
UNIVERSITY of Eyvanakey,Semnan,Iran
The purpose of the present study is to investigate the ease effect of services on perceived value from consumers of cheap sport centers.
The present study is of descriptive-correlation type. Statistical population of this research includes consumers and referrals of cheap sport centers located in Tehran’s 22 areas. In this research, Cochran sample size formula was used for unlimited population because the people of this research statistical population are unlimited. According to the research, the sample size was considered randomly available and equal to 384 people. To measure the research variables and survey of beneficiaries, consumers and referrals from cheap sport centers, three samples of questionnaires were used. The validity of this questionnaire has been determined by some specialist in the under study subject. This questionnaire is guaranteed because it is standard. The first questionnaire that was designed by Chang Plonsky in 2012 is related to ease of services with the reliability of 0/844 and the second questionnaire that was designed by Zitamel in 1998 is related to perceived value with the reliability of 0/904 and Oliver satisfactory questionnaire )2000) has the reliability of 0/792.
According to the acquired results and according to the level significance of p <0/001 and correlation coefficient of (384)r = 762, there is a positive and significant effect between the ease of services and perceived value from consumers of cheap sport centers in Iran.
There is a positive and significant relationship between independent variable of ease of services and the perceived value component from consumers of cheap sport centers. In the answer to the main research question, it can be said that the effect of ease of services on the perceived value from consumers and referrals of cheap sport centers has been confirmed in support of the hypothesis of this research. In the explanation of this research it can be said that there is a significance and positive relationship between the ease of the presented services from sport centers with perceived value and the referrals’ satisfactory and it is observable in the results of the most researchers.