The effects of a 6-week corrective-functional training with visual feedback on lower extremity kinetics, kinematics, and balance in junior female athletes with dynamic knee valgus

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1594-12THCONG
1Department of sports injuries and corrective exercises, Faculty of sports sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
2Department of sports injuries and corrective exercises, Faculty of sports sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
3Department of sports physiology, Faculty of sports sciences, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran
Knee dynamic valgus is known as a risk factor for ACL injuries, so it is of great importance to take a preventative approach for it.
The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of designed corrective-functional exercise protocol with visual feedback on ACL injury risk factors in female youth athletes with knee dynamic valgus.
Overall 16 junior female athletes with functional knee valgus were randomly assigned into feedback (n = 10) and control (n = 6) groups. Single leg squat (SLS) test was used to identify participants with functional knee valgus. The experimental group participated in the exercise protocol for 6 weeks, 3 sessions per week. Feedback group protocol was a progressive combination of plyometric exercises, landing exercises, and closed-chain exercises in an exercise room that had 3 mirrored walls out of 4. Vertical ground reaction force, knee valgus angle, knee valgus moment, knee flexion angle, knee flexion moment, hip flexion angle, and hip flexion moment were extracted at the time of initial contact while subjects were asked to perform single-leg landing using eight 3D motion analysis cameras (Vicon) and Kistler force plate in Tarbiat Modares University. Y-balance test was used to assess dynamic stability, too. Data analyses were done using SPSS ver.24 and at the confidence interval of 95%.
There were significant improvements in participants' Y-balance scores (composite score Sig0.000, anterior Sig 0.000, posterolateral Sig0.000) but no changes were observed for posteromedial Sig0.925. Knee valgus moment and angle improved significantly (Sig0.002, Sig0.012 respectively), while other kinematics worsen after the protocol (knee flexion moment: Sig0.013/ hip flexion angle: Sig0.043). Results also showed a negative change in vertical ground reaction force (Sig0.000). No changes were observed in hip flexion moment and knee flexion angles.
Although this exercise protocol had positive effects on balance results, valgus angle and moment it was not beneficial in other aspects. As there is controversy whether plyometric records are impacted by the maturity or not, further studies are needed for young female athletes' knee joint dynamic valgus correction which is one of ACL injury risk factors.