Investigating Barriers to the Development of Primary School Sport in Qazvin Province

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1580-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: sample_template_fa_1.jpg 
1university of Tehran
2Tehran University
3Education Expert in Tehran University
The development of sport in today's world is one of the most effective strategies for achieving lofty goals in various aspects of development for statesmen in advanced countries (jankinson and et al, 2010). On the other hand, one of the most common sectors in the development of sport in a society can be regarded as basic sports that have attracted the attention of different countries (jahantab and et al, 2017). Physical education and sport have been one of the main foundations of education in every society. Nowadays, physical education and sport knowledge is an important part of the world education system. Iran, with more than 15 million students, is one of the youngest countries in the region and the world. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the barriers to the development of elementary school sport in Qazvin province. The research method was descriptive survey. The statistical population in this study was all sport experts and teachers in Qazvin province According to the available sampling, 170 people were selected as statistical sample. The research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire based on the findings of previous scholars and researchers. The face and content validity of the study was used by the experts in this field and the reliability of the tool was 0.89. Data analysis was performed in two levels of descriptive statistics (mean, standard deviation, frequency and percent) and inferential statistics (K-S test, one sample t-test and Feridman). The findings indicated that cultural, social, managerial and organizational, economic, specialized human resources, infrastructures, motivational and climate factors were identified as influencing factors on sport development in Qazvin schools. According to the results, infrastructure, motivational and managerial factors were identified as the most important factors from the samples point of view. Therefore, it is suggested that student sport planners in Qazvin be more involved in creating appropriate infrastructure and motivating areas.