The use of performance-enhancing substance analysis in young athletes; Function of planned behavior Theory

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1577-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: 1577-12THCONG-ali hejabi.jpg 
1Ali. Hejabi, Expert of the Exceptional Education Organization, Tehran
2Professor in sport Management, Azad eslami university, Tehran
Doping, as defined by the Medical Commission of International Olympic Committee, is prescription or consumption of an external or endogenous substance by abnormal amounts or by abnormal method of consumption by a healthy person to increase his/her athletic performance. Nowadays, doping has become a complex problem among athletes. The objective of the present study, which is a cross-sectional (descriptive and analytical) study, is documentation of usage of performance enhancing substances by young athletes and to identify the psychological factors related thereto, including attitudes, mental norms and perceived behavioral control based on the theory of planned behavior.
The study population is young athletes of Pakdasht city. A sample of 373 people (197 females and 176 males) was selected and cluster sampling method was used. The data collection tool was Theory of Planned Behavior Questionnaire (TPB Questionnaire), which was used in similar researches and was distributed upon translation to Persian, assessment of writing style, correction of mistakes, etc. Cronbach's alpha calculated for different sections of the questionnaire (5 sections and 77 questions) ranged from α=0.858 to α=1. Some of the study findings, which were in line with most studies performed, showed a significant causal relationship between attitude to doping and perceived behavioral control with intention and behavior of use of performance enhancing substances in young athletes. But in contrast to most previous studies, no significant causal relationship was found between mental norms related to doping and intention and behavior of use of performance enhancing substances in young athletes. The major part of the results obtained in this study are consistent with previous researches. The fit indices were used to test the fitness of the model including: 1- Goodness indices including AGFI, GFI and NFI and Badness indices such as df2x/ and RMSEA.