An analysis of Islamic lifestyle and its role in the level of citizens ' physical activity

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1572-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: Slide1.JPG 
1Msc Student of TAFT AZAD UNI
2Kharazmi University
3Dept. of Physical Education, Islamic Azad University, Taft Branch
Islamic lifestyle and physical activity are two very important variables in the life span of any human being that has a profound impact on human beings and human societies. This article aims to investigate the physical activity status of Yazd citizens in their Islamic lifestyle. The kind of study of this study is survey - descriptive and considered applicable in terms of target. The statistical population of this study is all citizens of Yazd in the year 98 that their number according to the census of 95, 387 thousand 884 persons. Using Morgan table, 384 individuals selected as sample. Data were collected using Kaviani Islamic Lifestyle Test Questionnaire and questionnaire measurement Sharkey Physical Activity. The reliability of these questionnaires estimated by Cronbach's alpha method (0.702 and 0.805, respectively). Descriptive and inferential statistics (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, one-sample t-test, Pearson, Chi-square) at the significant level (p≤0.05) and statistical software (spss20) used for data analysis. The results showed that there is a significant relationship (r = 0.258, Pvalue = 0.01) between the Islamic lifestyle of Yazd citizens and their physical activity. However, there was no significant relationship between some components of Islamic lifestyle (including worship, beliefs, ethics, security and defense, family, health, finances, social, thinking and science). There is also a relationship between the demographic characteristics of the respondents (including age, education) and their physical activity.
Based on the results, it suggested that managers and officials could help promote physical activity in society by improving the lifestyle of citizens through various ways, such as formulating an Islamic lifestyle model.