Reactive Control of Balance is Different between Chronic Ankle Instability and Healthy Athletes

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1489-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: sample_template_en_1.jpg 
1Corrective Exercises and Sport Injuries Department , Sport Sciences , Faculty ,Razi University , Kermanshah, Iran
2Assistant professor, Department of Sport Injuries and Corrective Exercise, University of Razi, Kermanshah, Iran
3corrective exercises and sport injuries department,sport sciences faculty ,razi university, kermanshah ,Iran
4Corrective Exercises and Sport Injuries Department,Sport Sciences Faculty,Razi University,Kermanshah,Iran
Reactive Control of Balance (RCB) is one of the most injury prevention strategies that introduced recently. On the other hand, Chronic Ankle Instability (CAI) is a situation occurred “giving way”, pain, swelling and ankle instability in which balance disorders has been reported. The purpose of this study was to assess the RCB in athletes with and without CAI.
the sample size of this study was 28 athletes: CAI (n=14) and healthy (n=14). Balance errors were selected as outcome measures for balance ability and, vasomotor reaction time and accuracy are selected as outcome measures for adaptability. A reactive balance task was developed and described using the Y-balance test for the balance component, while the Fit-light system was chosen for the environmental perception and decision-making component of the test. The LED lights of the Fit-Light system are placed at 80% of the maximal reach distance for each axis along the Y Balance test kitTM. To induce cognitive load within the vasomotor task, colors were fixed to a corresponding axis, and both the order of the visual stimuli as the inter-stimulus time were randomized to integrate environmental perception and decision-making.
The results of this study showed that reactive control of balance was significantly differed between CAI and healthy athletes (P=0.34). Additionally, the balance error scoring system was significantly greater in CAI rather than healthy (P=0.001).
Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that patients with chronic ankle instability have impaired reactive control of balance which is important in preventing recurrent sprints.