The influential of obstacles to tourism marketing of natural-sports places in Tehran province

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1469-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: sample_template_fa_1.jpg 
1Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran
2M.Sc in sport management Roudehen branch, Islamic Azad University
The aim of this study was the influential factors in the marketing sporting tourism development in sports stations province of Tehran. To this purpose, 112 people, including 38 sport tourism experts, 48 sport marketing professors, and 26 heads sport stations province were selected as sample and questionnaire of 45 questions to assess barriers and factors affecting development of sports tourism marketing Tehran province that its validity was confirmed by the sports management and Cronbach's alpha was calculated to appeal to 0.93 and 0.92 to complete hurdles said. After gathering information to verify the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used for normal distribution of data and due to the lack of normal distribution of data to verify the hypothesis by Friedman nonparametric test was used. The results showed that the most effective sport recreational attraction was the ski resorts in Tehran province. In the next ranks of sporting attractions, the highest averages were attractions in the mountains and hiking trails, rock climbing attractions in Tehran province. Also, in terms of sample research, the least important sport recreation attractions affecting the development of tourism marketing were attractions related to water sports in natural and artificial lakes. also, results showed that Tehran to develop sports tourism marketing in addition to natural beauty to obstacles, including administrative barriers, infrastructural, cultural, political, economic and social attention and search address these challenges with the use of existing attractions. Finally, in order to improve the sport tourism marketing status, it was suggested that remove managerial barriers such as shortages of trained specialists and staff, removing infrastructure barriers, particularly the existence of standardized and favorable recreational sport facilities in tourism-prone areas, removing political barriers, especially visa rules, Customs and the length of stay of tourists, overcoming cultural barriers, especially ideological bottlenecks, and its incompatibility with tourist culture and foreign language problems and inability to communicate with tourists, and removing economic barriers, particularly lack of adequate funding for sports tourism.