Investigating the Political Dimensions of Sustainable Development in Championship Sport

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1464-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: 1464-12THCONG.jpg 
1M.Sc Student of Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2Associate Professor Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
these days, championship sport has become a complex and multidimensional phenomenon, in which its success can affect on political, economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainable development. Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) is an attractive and deceptive orientation for enhancing countries' political image, and the growth of participation in the championship sport is one reason for this claim. In the political dimension of sustainable development, heroism is an important enabler that acts as a powerful tool of domestic and international politics for the host societies.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the political dimension of sustainable development in championship sport. The method of conducting the research is a mixed approach (qualitative-quantitative); to obtain indices and components, interviews conducted on 12 leading university professors in the targeted fields of research, senior managers and consultants of sports management. After reaching theoretical saturation and finding the desired components and constructing a researcher-made five-point Likert scale and after finishing the validity, its reliability was calculated in a pilot study with 30 subjects and Cronbach's alpha measured and which was above 0.7.

The results of this study identified four indices for the political dimension of sustainable development in championship sport. These include enhancing in "reputation", "national solidarity and cohesion", "international communication" and "attracting government participation". The four indices were subdivided into nine components to elaborate the political index of sustainable development in championship sport. the components of "preserving national unity and increasing social capital and enhancing national pride and solidarity" were more important than other components.

Earning more medals in international competitions results in increased sense of sovereignty, national sovereignty, national pride as well as diplomatic benefits. Earning a medal because of its common language for the community can reinforce the spirit of national cohesion, enhance community solidarity, and create a wave of happiness among citizens, and eliminate laxity and corruption.