Ethical and ethical principles in the sport community

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1443-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: Code1443 -12THCONG.JPG 
1Ph.D. Sport Management, Department of Physical Education, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2Ph.D. in Sport Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3Member of Faculty of Psychology, University of Tehran
In the gulf of psychology and sociology, several factors satisfy the ethical behavior of an athlete. Sports ethics is a form of professional ethics if we consider sports as a profession and profession. The spirit of the athlete is perhaps the brightest and most popular manifestation of ethical standards.
the purpose of this study is to investigate the principles of value and ethics in sport.
Since the present study is a review, it has been written concerning the literature and articles related to the subject of research and the collection of information required.
The values that shape an individual's attitudes to conform to the value and attitude, the person is ethical or immoral. When an individual manifests itself in unethical behavior the values one believes in are smaller and the attitude, as a result of that individual's behavior, depends more on the number of goals or situations where the individual is located. one of the most unfair and improper behaviors of an individual, therefore, ignores the ethical values and has a profound connection with antisocial behaviors in sports. abstract the most unfair and improper behavior of an individual, therefore, ignores the ethical values and has deep communication with antisocial behaviors in sport and link it to social behavior in team sports. Research showed athletes using ethical indifference to minimize social responsibility of their social behaviors. Therefore, sport is the only area concerned with the formation and modification of the behavior of athletes. There is, no doubt, that there are many factors in a sport that each kind of behavior of an athlete.