Necessity of Peace Education to Elite Athletes

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1410-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: پاورپوینت پوستر رحمدل.jpg 
1Iran,rasht, university of guilan, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science,sport managmaent
2sport management-physical educational and sport science-university of guilan-rasht -guilan
the objective of this research was to study necessity of peace education to elite athletes.
this was a systematic review study in which 21 domestic thesis and articles and 54 abroad thesis and articles were carefully reviewed.
study of domestic and abroad researches demonstrated that peace education has been neglected in most countries. The results showed that these researches focused on the analysis of school textbooks in terms of attention to components of peace education, designing a peace education curriculum, identification of categories, problems, objectives and consequence of peace education. UNESCO is the only international organization that its core responsibilities are consideration of educational issues. UNESCO's seven components of peace education include human rights, co-operation and solidarity, preservation of cultures, self and others, internationalism, protection of environment, and spirituality.
sport has a significant role to develop and promote peace due to the fact that international sports events have substantial number of spectators around the world. Athletes are popular and act as role models since they are major pillars and performers of sports who come from different nationalities and cultures and participate as representatives of their country in competitions. Hence they influence behavior of majority of population; peace education to athletes helps them to learn peaceful behaviors then demonstrate these in sports. Therefore in one hand act as appropriate role models for audience and on the other hand exhibit a pleasant and appropriate view of their country in international arenas as representative of their nation. This would lead to closeness and friendship of countries as a result of athletes' performance and their role as cultural diplomats, so they would have a significant role in achievement of globalization and peace. Therefore, it is necessary for athletes to be accustomed to components of peace and required skills to utilize them. As there were no research regarding necessity of peace education in sports especially to athletes, it is necessary that more research would be conducted about the peace education in elite athletes.