Providing a Model for Training Sports Entrepreneurship at the Faculties of Physical Education (A Case Study of Iranian Universities)

Oral Presentation
Paper ID : 1356-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: 1356-12THCONG.wmv 
1Physical education / Farhangian university / Amol / Iran
2Department of Natural Resources, Abbas Abad, Iran
Prividing Model for Training Sports Entrepreneurship at the Faculties of Physical Education (A Case Study of Iranian Universities
Business and Entrepreneurship are among the major issues of each society. These human and social processes have strong links with socio-economic transformations. Accordingly, the importance and necessity of entrepreneurs is obvious in each and every society (the labor market) .This study was conducted to introduce and design a
well-defined model to promote training sports entrepreneurship at the faculties of physical education in 2018. The theoretical framework is based on the literature review and the model of training students in the universities. In terms of methodology, this research is applied and survey-based. The sampling method used in this research was objective and was done through different populations;
(A) Students, (B) Entrepreneurship experts, (C) Entrepreneurship centers Managers/ Experts. The research population consists of 200 executives of entrepreneurship centers, offices of industrial relations with the faculties of physical education and students who had taken entrepreneurship courses. The population of the study consists of the faculties of physical education which are affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and Azad (private) universities. The above samples were selected randomly. The research findings suggest that the present situation of sports entrepreneurship training is not desirable and in order to establish sports entrepreneurship training in colleges, entrepreneurship centers and entrepreneurial activities should be supported with regard to financial and human resources and necessary conditions for its implementation should be provided. Based on the study results, the model of sports entrepreneurship training in the Faculties of Physical Education in Iran will be presented.