Investigating the Relationship between Competitive Advantage and the Development of Internet Businesses in the Sport Industry from the Perspective of Sporting Goods Units in Tabriz

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1352-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: IMG-20201107-WA0012.jpg 
Physical Education Teacher in High School / Department of Education / Tabriz / Iran
Competitive advantage in internet businesses is not a slogan, it is a performance that persuades your customers to buy from you, offer you advice and stay loyal to you. Customers will remain loyal to your business as long as your competitive advantage is at or above their expectations. Customers of Internet businesses are several times more likely to be exposed to ads and offers than other businesses. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between competitive advantage and the development of internet businesses in the sports industry from the perspective of active units in the field of sports equipment in Tabriz. The purpose of this study is applied and the research method is descriptive-correlational. The statistical population of the present study is active units in the field of sports equipment sales and sales in Tabriz. Based on the uncertainty of the statistical population, 60 samples were randomly selected from active units in the field of sports equipment. The Hussein et al. (2011) questionnaire was used to measure competitive advantage and the e-business questionnaire was used by Karharli et al. The reliability for the competitive advantage was 0.869 and for the electronic business 0.89. Pearson correlation test and multivariate regression were used to analyze the research hypotheses. The results showed that there is a relationship between the competitiveness component and the development of e-business. Also, the competitive advantage components play an important role in predicting and influencing the development of internet businesses, and the more intense the competition, the more active the internet businesses in the Tabriz sporting goods market will be. They replace traditional methods of buying and selling.