The effect of lateral superiority on motor skill transfer

Poster Presentation XML
Paper ID : 1174-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: poster.jpg 
1Faculty of Physical Education of Al-Zahra University
2Faculty of Sport Sciences, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.
The purpose of this study is to compare the effect of lateral superiority on motor skill transfer of Al-Zahra Universities' students aged 20-27 years. Participant were 48 students which were selected based on the inclusion criteria including 24 right-handed and 24 left-handed students. Students were divided into four groups. First group consists of right handed students who perform exercises with right hand and transfer test with left hand. Second group of right-handed students completes exercises with left hand and transform test with right hand. The third group is composed of left-handed people performing exercises with left hand and transfer test with right hand. The forth group of students accomplishes exercises with right hand and transfer test with left hand. All students firstly filled the Edinburgh Excellence Questionnaire and then completed two RT tasks. Serial color matching test was also examined. Then combined analysis of variance and Bonferroni post hoc test were used to determine lateral superiority over motor skill transfer. The results of combined analysis of variance showed that there was a significant difference in lateral superiority over motor skill transfer. The groups with dominant hand performed better than the ones with non-dominant hand and there was a significant difference in the dominant hand group.
According to the results of the present study, it seems that the motor skill transfer in the dominant hand was more than that of the non-dominant hand and the transfer of motor skill in the left dominant hand was more than the right dominant hand.