The effect of Training on insulin and blood glucose and body composition in women

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1049-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: sample_template_fa_1.jpg 
1Department of Biomechanics of Sports, Faculty of Physical Education, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
2full professor Faculty of sport biomechanics ,school of physical education, Kharazmi University of Tehran, Tehran, I ran
3Department of Biomechanics of sport, Faculty of Physical Education, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity, has increased the risk for diabetes around the world, in this regard, exercise activity is an effective tool for managing diabetes. Insulin is a hormone that is secreted from the pancreatic islets of the islets of the islets of the pancreas and plays a key role in regulating blood glucose. Glucose is a stimulant of insulin secretion. That is, specific glucose receptors on beta cells stimulate insulin secretion as blood glucose increases. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of one training session on insulin and blood glucose (FBS) and body composition in women.
In this research Applied design, 60 female Healthy voluntary referred to the Tehran city park participated. The pre-test of variables to be tested were blood sugar(FBS), plasma insulin level, body composition (measure body weight, percent body fat and visceral fat and muscle) applied. Based on the researcher's protocol, six weeks training performed for all the participants, that they were divided into different groups according to their endurance toward each outdoor fitness equipment. The same tests were repeated for the post test. Descriptive statistics applied, F Lyon, Anova and Turkey post-test was used.
The results obtained of a Significant on insulin and blood glucose (FBS) and BMI of the young group. There was also a significant difference between the young and the middle aged group.
The results show that a six-week training with outdoor fitness equipment in the park cause weight loss, BMI, fat percentage, and muscle gain can be beneficial in improving body composition. It can also be suggested as a way to prevent type II diabetes by lowering FBS and blood insulin levels.