The Effects of Interval Exercises with Different intensities on Plasma Levels of Orexin -A and Lipid Profile of Overweight and Obese Women

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1043-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: کد مقاله 1043.jpg  کد مقاله 1044.jpg 
1Sport Physiology, Sport Sciences, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran
2Sport Physiology, Sport Sciences, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran
The main purpose of this study was to evaluate, the effect of HIIT and MIIT exercises on plasma levels of Orexin-A, Lipid profile, and cardiorespiratory endurance of overweight and obese women.
In This study a number of 24 obese and overweight women 25-45 years volunteered and were non randomly assigned in HIIT (n=9, BMI= 29.61±3.45 kg.m2) MIIT (n=8, BMI= 28.19±3.83 kg.m2) and control (n=8, BMI=29.18±4.71 kg.m2) groups. The HIIT experimental group protocol consist of running activity with % 75-90 of maximum HR and MIIT group protocols consist of running activity with % 65-80 of maximal HR, 3sessions per week for 8 weeks. Blood samples were collected before interventions and 24 hours after the last training session in a fasting condition.
The findings showed that after eight weeks of exercise interventions, Plasma Orexin levels increased in both groups, but this changes was not statistically significant (p>0.05), also there was statistically significant decrease in cholesterol levels and increase in cardiorespiratory endurance of both groups (p<0.05). There were no significant changes in triglyceride (p>0.05), LDL cholesterol, and body fat percent of subjects of three groups (p>0.05). The HDL cholesterol of subjects of experimental group increased, but this changes was not statistically significant (p>0.05).
In general it seems that the HIIT protocol of the present study was effective to increase Orexin hormone and make some improvements in lipid profile and cardiorespiratory endurance of overweight and obese subjects, but this changes and improvements in HIIT group was more sensible than MIIT group.