Comparison of two different structural environments on perceived physical fitness and self-esteem of employed woman

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1292-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: 1292-12THCONG.JPG 
1university of tabriz
2University of Tabriz
An ecological dynamics perspective adopts as its unit of analysis the person-environment system, where individuals and environments co-influence each other in a relational, transactional manner, rather than existing independently. An emphasis on the person-environment system suggests how elucidation of psychological processes needs to incorporate aspects of the environment. Physical activity in a natural environment affects the human psyche and enhance psychological health and well-being. Thus, the purpose of the present study was Comparison of two different structural environments on psychological features of employed woman.

This comparative study was applied and Field Research with three group, outdoor=50, indoor=38 and control=50. Statistical sample of research consisted of 138 employed woman university of Tabriz. The perceived physical fitness and self-esteem were assessed using Rosenberg self-steem scale and Perceived Physical Fitness Scale, respectively.

One way ANOVA showed that there was no significant difference in self-esteem between the three groups (P=0.827 and F(2,135)=3.995). But there was a significant difference between the three groups in the subscales of perceived physical fitness, including physical condition (P=0.021 and F(2,135)=3.995), flexibility (P=0.004 and F(2,135)=5.87), muscle condition (P=0.0001 and F(2,135)=9.67), and body composition (P=0.009 and F(2,135)=4.899). And there was also a significant difference in total perceived physical fitness (P=0.016 and F(2,135)=4.236).

Based on the results, it can be said that there was a significant difference between the three groups in perceived physical fitness factors. But no significant difference was found between the two groups of outdoor and indoor activities. The likelihood of no difference between the two groups was in the amount of physical activity or the large indoor group space.