Analysis and Comparison of Hedonic Well-being and Quality of Life of athletes and non-athletes with disabilities

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1189-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: 0001.jpg 
Faculty Member of Department of Physical Education,VelayatUniversity, Iranshahr
Due to the development of psychology in recent decades, as well as the specific sports activities that affect aspects of this area, such as hedonic well-being and quality of life, the aim of this study was to investigate the hedonic well-being and quality of life of athletes and non-athletes with disabilities.In this study, 190 people were participated,including 95 male athletes participating in the 14th Disability Welfare Sports Festival across the country in Babolsar, and 95 non-athletic disabled people that were all selected on a voluntary basis and available sample.For data collection, two standard questionnaires of positive and negative affect (Watson, Clark, &Telegen, 1988) and quality of life (Diner et al.1985)were used to measure hedonic well-being, and the World Health Organization Quality of Life Questionnaire - Short Form (1996), Iranian version, was also used.The validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by a group of university professors.The reliability of the questionnaires was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha (αswls=0.82, αpas=0.80, αnas=0.88 and αWHOQOL-BREF=0.83).Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics (T,Pearson correlation coefficient, Kolmogorov-Smirnov,etc.)and SPSS software version 20.Research findings showed that athletes with disabilities generally had more positive affect (tpasdf = 188, sig=0.05=9.44), and quality of life (tWHOQOLREFdf=188,sig=0.04=12.32) and less negative affect (tnasdf=188,sig=0.003 = -4.76) compare to non-athletes.The results showed that there was a significant difference between the two groups in the quality of life scales (P<0.05) and the group of athletes had a higher score and better condition.Also, there was a direct and significant relationship between hedonic well-being and quality of life in athletes with disabilities (r=0.6,α =0.0001).Discussion and Conclusion: Like other researches of Huta and Sweet (2018),and Rodríguez-Fernádnez(2017), the findings of the present study reveal the role of sports activities in hedonic well-being and quality of life.Due to the effective role of sport on hedonic well-being and quality of life,especially for the disabled, it is recommended that responsible organizations provide support for these individuals to participate more in sports and social activities.