Analysis of the timing of electromyography activity of the spine stabilizer muscles in athletes with non-specific chronic low back pain during different daily activities

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1132-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: Slide1.JPG 
Department of Pathology and Corrective Exercises, School of Physical Education, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran
Low-back pain is among the most prevalent musculoskeletal disorders in many societies. Competitive sports are believed to induce chronic low back pain. The purpose of this study was to examine and compare the timing of electromyographic activity of the spine stabilizer muscles in athletes with non-specific chronic low back pain during daily activities.
24 male participants ranging from 30 to 55 years of age were selected and categorized into two groups - with chronic low-back pain and healthy. Levels of electromyographic activity of the lumbar erector spinae, thoracic erector spinae, Gluteus Maximus, Transversus abdominis and Multifidus muscles were measured for the actions of standing up and lifting objects. Version 24 of SPSS was used to analyze the data and resulted in the t-test significance level of 0.05≥P.
Significant results were obtained from the electromyographic activity levels of spine Multifidus (right and left) (p=0/000), Gluteus Maximus (right and left) (p=0/000) and Transversus abdominis (right and left) (p=0/000) for the action of picking up. Likewise, regarding the action of standing up significant results were obtained for thoracic erector spinae (right) (p=0/039), spine Multifidus (left) (p=0/000), Gluteus Maximus (left) (p=0/000) and Transversus abdominis (right and left) (p=0/000).
During daily activities the simultaneous contraction in Transversus abdominis and spine Multifidus and vice versa seems to result in the stability of the spine; the absence of which in patients with chronic low-back pain seems to be compensated by hyperactivity and poor motion signs related to Gluteus Maximus, erector spine lumbar and thoracic muscles. The disorder is related to the absence of co-ordination and delay in the operation of transversus abdominis and spine Multifidus which was the origin of disorder in all the four types of motions.