An introduction to future studies methods and its application in sport tourism researches

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1092-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: 1092-12THCONG.jpg 
Physical Education Department, Humanities Faculty, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
The continuous changes in the second half of the twentieth century and the inefficiency of traditional methods of planning have led to the emergence and development of science under the heading of future studies. Future studies in its nature play a key role in analyzing and understanding problems and shaping the policies needed to plan with a foresight-based perspective, and it covers a variety of methods and tools. On the other hand, one of the fields created by the combination of two complex industries - sports and tourism - is called sports tourism that given the complex nature of this concept, it is important to obtain a correct insight into the methods used in this approach - future studies - to make the best use of it; Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide an overview of future studies methods and their application in sport tourism researches.

The methodology of this study is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of data collection is descriptive-analytical and narrative review.

This research by categorizing the methods used such as Delphi, Horizon Scanning, Trend, and Drivers Analysis, Scenario planning, Road map, Back Casting, Modelling, and simulation it's showed that Using either of these methods alone or in combination with each other (to complement and cover the weaknesses of each method), considering the potential and interdisciplinary nature of the sport tourism concept, can be more effective than other traditional planning approaches and approaches. Because these traditional methods ignored the concept of uncertainty; And finally, the context for the development of the concept of sports tourism will be provided.

Therefore, it is important to note that based on the findings of this study, in order to develop the concept of sport tourism from the perspective of studies, the use of new planning approaches and methods, taking into account the existing uncertainties, may be considered as one of the main pillars of research. Therefore, future researchers are suggested to consider in their future research a combination of existing research methods in the field of sport tourism.