Rope jumping in Leisure time: A Review Article

Poster Presentation
Paper ID : 1058-12THCONG
Oral / Poster Presentation File: Slide1.JPG  Slide1.JPG 
1M.Sc. Student of Management, Imam Reza International University of Mashhad, Iran
2Assistant Professor of Imam Reza International University of Mashhad, Iran
Rope jumping is a new field in physical education that has been recently developed in different societies. This field has quickly gained an appropriate place among public sport and has become increasingly important in leisure time for all ages. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to investigate various articles on rope jumping in leisure time.
Abstracts were searched systematically on Google scholar database and English articles were reviewed from 1964 to 2017. Keyword rope jumping in combination with leisure, development, student, technique, and fitness were utilized to access English articles. To access Persian Articles, abstracts of different journals like: Rehabilitation Medicine, Academic Jihad, Journal of Growth and Learning, journals of Qom, Tehran, Tabriz, and Zanjan University were studied with the help of keywords like rope jumping, sports for all, from 2013 to 2018. According to the criteria of 70 articles, 20 Persian and 20 English articles, were finally included in this study .

The results of the present study indicate that most of the articles presented in this paper have focused on physiological discussions and emphasized on fitness factors related to skill and health. However, few articles focus on the areas of group participation, improving social relations, and publicity in the field. Therefore, as management issues are considered to be very important in promoting sports, further investigation is needed.

According to differences in domestic and foreign researches in the field of rope jumping, it can be said that in Iran ropes are used as a complement to other sports and therapeutic methods. While in abroad, based on the aforementioned research, professional research has been written on the skills of rope jumping as an independent champion. The reasons for this difference can be considered to the unknown nature of this kind of sport and the difficulty of its individual skills.